[세계일보] 애 아빠 없이 ‘나홀로 출산’… “극도의 패닉 상태서 범행” [심층기획-‘예고된 비극’ 영아유기]
페이지 정보

According to a government survey conducted in the wake of the "Suwon Refrigerator Infant Body" incident in June, 2,123 children have been born for eight years since 2015 but have not been reported. Among them, the stories of babies who were sadly abandoned or passed away shocked society. The Segye Ilbo analyzed the ruling under the perception that abandonment and murder of infants are not personal deviations, but 'social problems',
1살이 안 된 아기를 버리거나 사망에 이르게 한 사건 10건 중 7건은 생모에게만 임신·출산·육아의 짐을 떠넘긴 채 사라진 ‘유령 아빠’와 연관된 것으로 나타났다. 최근 논란이 된 출생미등록 아동 관련 경찰 수사에서도 생모(生母)는 전원 조사됐지만, 생부(生父)의 신원 파악 여부는 통계조차 없었다.
Seven out of 10 cases in which a baby under one year old was abandoned or died were related to a "ghost father" who disappeared while leaving the burden of pregnancy, childbirth and childcare only to his birth mother. In the recent controversial police investigation into unregistered children, all birth mothers were investigated, but there were no statistics on whether the birth father was identified.
- 이전글[검색폭발 이슈키워드] 보호출산제 23.09.21
- 다음글‘미혼모부 지원’ 충청북도 자문위원회 열려 23.09.01
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